do dogs like music

Do Dogs Like Music? Exploring Canine Musical Preferences

The notion of dogs enjoying music may appear fanciful at first glance, yet burgeoning research suggests that our canine companions have distinct musical preferences. Exploring how dogs respond to music and delving into its potential benefits can deepen our understanding of their cognitive and emotional capacities while enriching their lives.

How Do We Know Dogs Like Music?

Numerous studies have shed light on dogs’ reactions to music, revealing that they possess discernible preferences akin to humans. Pioneering research by psychologists like Deborah Wells from Queens University in Belfast has examined how dogs respond to various musical genres. Through careful observation, researchers have noted behavioral changes in dogs exposed to music, such as heightened relaxation and reduced agitation.

Why Is Music Beneficial to Dogs?

Music isn’t just for human enjoyment; it can profoundly impact our canine companions as well. Here’s why:

  • Stress and Anxiety Relief: Calming melodies and slow tempos can help soothe anxious dogs, promoting relaxation and making sleep easier to achieve. This is especially valuable in situations that might be stressful, such as thunderstorms or separation from their owners.
  • Creating a Soothing Sleep Environment: For dogs struggling to settle down, the right music can mask disruptive noises and create a tranquil atmosphere conducive to sleep.
  • Mental Stimulation: Music offers a form of enrichment for dogs, which is important for their overall well-being. It prevents boredom and can even support cognitive health, especially in senior dogs.
  • Mirrors Human Emotions: Similar to its effects on us, music can influence a dog’s mood, making them feel calmer, happier, and more secure.

Types of Music Liked by Dogs

While individual canine preferences may vary, several musical genres have garnered favor among dogs:

  1. Classical Music: Renowned for its tranquil melodies and harmonious compositions, classical music has a profound calming effect on dogs. The soothing rhythms and gentle cadences of composers like Mozart and Beethoven resonate well with canine sensibilities.
  2. Soft Rock: Characterized by its mellow tones and melodic arrangements, soft rock appeals to dogs with its relaxed ambiance. The easygoing rhythms and emotive lyrics of artists like The Beatles and Elton John evoke feelings of serenity and contentment in our furry companions.
  3. Reggae: The laid-back rhythms and infectious grooves of reggae music captivate dogs, offering a sense of rhythmic cohesion and harmony. Artists like Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff infuse reggae with soulful melodies and positive vibes that resonate deeply with canine audiences.
  4. Ambient Music: Ambient music, with its ethereal sounds and minimalist compositions, creates an immersive auditory experience for dogs. The atmospheric textures and subtle nuances of ambient artists like Brian Eno and Harold Budd evoke a sense of tranquility and introspection in our canine friends.

In conclusion, dogs possess a nuanced appreciation for music, and its therapeutic benefits can significantly enhance their quality of life. By understanding their musical inclinations and incorporating harmonious melodies into their environment, we foster a deeper connection with our beloved companions while promoting their emotional well-being. Explore more articles on ChowPow to discover more tips and tricks to keep your dog happy and healthy.


  • Wells, Deborah. “The Influence of Auditory Stimulation on the Behavior of Dogs Housed in a Rescue Shelter.” Animal Welfare, vol. 13, no. 1, 2004, pp. 77–83.
  • Bowman, Allen, and Corinne H. Wei. “Dogs Exhibit Valence-Specific Responses to Human Emotion-Based Vocalizations.” Behavioural Processes, vol. 110, 2015, pp. 68–75.
  • Bowman, Amy. “From Mozart to Marley: How Music Chills Out Man’s Best Friend.” School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow, 2 February 2017.